Explicit Restoration offers marriage support and discipleship through
Coaching Programs.
The coaching model provides personalized attention and allows the individual to set benchmarks for their own goals. In a sense, you have all the building supplies. We help you figure out how you want your recovery to be built, and show you a few tools along the way.
In Explicit Restoration Coaching Programs, an emphasis is made upon Biblical self-care,
renewing the mind, strategy, and prayer.
Check out our Coaching options, then schedule your Free initial session.
Per 3 sessions, USD
Per 6-weeks, USD
Per Set of 6 Sessions, USD
Sign-Up for your FREE 20 minute vision session today.
Coaching Disclaimers: No guarantees are made for fulfillment of coaching programs by signing up for vision sessions. Neither Individual nor Couples Coaching may be used as a replacement for therapy or mental health needs. David & Piper Post are not therapists, counselors, nor relationship professionals. A signed contract stating these and additional disclaimers, as well as payment-in-full must be received prior to the beginning of the coaching program start date. Requests for coaching outside of the areas of marriage and pornography recovery may be made to piper@explicitrestoration.